Interesting facts and curiosities about Playa del Carmen and Mexico
After spending 20 years in the area, you can't help but learn a lot of facts that might be considered useless to many or a curiosity to others.
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After 20 years owning Caribbean Beachfront Condo, I've learned some odd and interesting things.
After spending 20 years in the area, you can't help but learn a lot of facts that might be considered useless to many or a curiosity to others.
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This is really interesting. Maybe I should get one
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It's widely believed that the age of the dinosaurs was brought to an end by the global aftermath of a single event: a massive asteroid slamming into what is today Mexico's Yucatan peninsula. Now, rocks gathered from the impact site appear to confirm that hypothesis and also provide a glimpse into the catastrophically destructive minutes and hours after the fateful strike.
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In the minds of most people, Mexico is usually seen as a beach resort destination or a corrupt narco-state run by drug lords. However, the majority of people don't know the truth about Mexico, its culture, and its people. Their opinion is based on stereotypes and bad press.
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Funny photos in Mexico Sometimes life can be comical in Playa Del Carmen. Sometimes it is just because we are from another country and something catches us as being funny. Other times it is universally funny. We are all the time all around Playa Del Carmen and the area and keep adding things to this list of funny things we see.
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Every country has them, interesting ways to get points across. Mexico does not escape the laughter. Here are funny signs in Mexico that are translated in funny spanglish ways. Anyone that uses Google Translate to turn Spanish into English knows that it is not perfect and can be downright frustrating at times.
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