Add Google tag or any other analytics to Houfy website

This post explains how to add script and HTML provided by analytics, tag manager, etc. to your Houfy website

We are taking an example of Google tag manager here.

Add Google tag or any other analytics to Houfy website

1. Insert script:

  • Copy the script code(section 1) snippet as instructed in the install Tag Manager box.
  • Go to website preferences > Javsascript code
  • Click "Add Javascript"
  • Past the code as "Inline javascript"
  • Remove script tags at the start and end as it's inline script. The final code should be something like the below screenshot.
Add Google tag or any other analytics to Houfy website

2. Insert the NoScript tag into the body:

  • Copy the script code(section 2) snippet as instructed in the install Tag Manager box.
  • Go to website preferences > Custom HTML
  • Past the code
Add Google tag or any other analytics to Houfy website

Congratulations, you have added Google Tag Manager to your website.

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