Add a co-host on Houfy

How to add a co-host for the listing on Houfy

  • Edit listing -> Contact person
  • Click Add a co-host
  • Enter the email address which your co-host used while creating an account on Houfy or will use to create an account on Houfy
Add a co-host on Houfy

  • Your co-host will receive an email from Houfy to sign up or log in to become a co-host.
Add a co-host on Houfy
  • Once they sign up or log in to Houfy, they see the link to accept co-host invitation on Houfy.
Add a co-host on Houfy
  • Once you accept the invite, you become a co-host.
Add a co-host on Houfy

Co-host can see co-hosted listings at Right menu > Listings > Co-hosted listings.

Add a co-host on Houfy

Co-host access can be given to the following things.

  • Listing data: Co-host can edit listing data.
  • Reservations data: Co-host can read your reservations, send messages, etc.
  • Guest messages: Receive email when the guest replies to the reservation.
  • Multi-calendar page
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